
Hello There

I am Alixian Ender Rashano.

This site is an extension of myself.

As such it is pragmatic, greyscale, dark, and shows that I am a Demon, one with the darkness, and part of it.

My gender is Voidshiftive and I go by It/Its

If you would like to take a detour to

Then please, do read that page. or, if you wish, you may check out

regardless, my About Me shall continue.

From what I know about myself, I'm Pansexual, and Greyromantic. the needed conditions for me to feel romance are as follows: have an emotional attachment to you (very difficult), feel sexually attracted to you (easy, I'll fuck anything that can consent), and for you to be ok with me being a sociopath and fully accepting me as I am (extremely difficult).

in regards to how I love, there's a quote I quite like: "a hero would sacrifice you to save the world. a villain would sacrifice the world to save you.", and while it's good, I prefer my version


a hero, or someone who claims to have morals, would sacrifice you to save the world. I however, understand that morals are an arbitrary, subjective, and all too often pathetic set of rules, ones that deny who one is. I do not deny who I am, I embrace it, and as such, I have no such thing, and I would smite all the gods invented in this world, through all time, destroying the universe in the process to save those I care for, even for but a momentary spark longer worth of life enjoyed alongside them.


Just as it does with Aleena, Coincidence loves to fuck with me as well but only in specific, and intense instances

for me, due to my sociopathy, I barely feel emotions, and for most people, it's like acrylic paint, with substance, clear, distinct, hard and definitive when mixed: mine are often but watercolours, I can see, observe, and sort of feel them, but they are the fuel that fuels the ever shifting black void fire that is My Gender, and so only once ignited do they become clear, and distinct, as they are part of that flame, changing the colours and intensity, making them clear, and intense, and causing the flame to beg for release, and that is when they are clear and known to me.

another component of my sociopathy is that I'm an extremist. now, not in the sense you'd expect, or the usual definition of the word, I'm not a political extremist or a religious extremist or any specific kind of extremist, no, just an overall extremist, in that I tend to connect with extremes far more easily, as they present an incredibly powerful, and even potent point of view that connects into much larger topics, and has a lot to unpack within it, and it provides me room to pragmatically analyse all aspects of the given extreme to understand the themes it's connected to in all aspects, while I may disagree with the extreme point, and/or the topics, views, etc that it contains and is tied into, it still gives me room to analyse it down to its core, and everything in between, and make my own personal judgements. a prime example is from the movie Point Break, where they attempt the Ozaki 8, a series of challenges for poly-athletes, and they're all deadly, but the deeper theme of the Ozaki 8 is balance, giving back to the earth, given that all our lives we take from it, and these challenges being taken from it, using mountains and its natural beauty, for example, we need to give back, which ties into the concept of balance, which is one I understand and agree with. balance, give and take, otherwise shit'll fall apart real fucking fast, so it's a needed concept in this world.

all that said, Humanity is so interesting, and so many like drawing lines within the sand, making them, drawing them, enforcing them, and yet when you step into the darkness, all those lines fall away as all that matters is you, whoever else is there, and any monsters within the corners. the lines, the laws, the triggers, the identities, none of them matter, because we're all the same within the darkness: silhouettes of sentient beings wandering blindly through this world, sampling whatever we come across. some of it better, some worse, sometimes we find friends, sometimes we find monsters, sometimes we find nothing but loneliness. while the light exists, and many people close themselves off and sleep through the darkness, I thrive off of it, the darkness is me, I am one with it, and it is MY DOMAIN, and I purposely look for it, as when we're all in the darkness, we are all equal, unless one of us has walked within the darkness their whole life. that is what I am. I am a Demon Alter. I walk in the darkness exclusively, and therefore, I am more powerful when we're in the darkness. sure you may escape to the light, that is an option, but it's so much more fun in the darkness, wouldn't you agree?

If you like what you see so far, and have not been scared yet, continue with me to see the

That I like and enjoy within the darkness

or, stay just a moment longer and see personality tests I have taken below