A Serbian Film
to preface: I watched the uncut version, which in america is only available on VUDU, and I looked up what scenes are cut out, and it's the most powerful scenes that are cut out, so I highly recommend watching the uncut version if you have the stomach for it. that said, here is the review I wrote the day of, merely a couple hours after watching it.
A Serbian Film is beautifully horrible, and dark, and twisted, and it is a true horror movie, true, genuine, sharp, and definitive horror. it is the first movie to rattle me as a Demon Alter, and it has done so beautifully. it took me a few moments to process it and I was exhausted from watching it due to how dark it is. the movie is like a knife, that as you watch it is sharpened upon the edge of every dark and twisted act, every drop of blood, every drop of gore, and every ounce of pure traumatising horror, and at the end, with the end of the film as it comes to a conclusion, masks come off, and identities are revealed, and all of the true horror comes to light, that knife that has been sharpened through the movie, with every second of tension and cringing and negative emotion, it finally STABS YOU directly in the heart, with a flat edge cutting it open, and a serrated one destroying the ribs and other bones within your body, leaving you, the viewer, with NOTHING but an empty, blank, unsettled, and disturbed shard of consciousness, realising just how horrible humanity can be, and understanding PURE DARKNESS, pure darkness, that which is pitch black, without even stars to light it, and nothing but evil resides within, nothing but monsters, and you truly see how desperate, horrible, dark, and fucked humanity can be at its worse, and you truly begin to understand what evil truly is. this movie is a dark, and sadistic recording of the darkest and most fucked up examples of evil, true evil, and it reflects back onto us the worst of humanity through a blackened and bloody mirror, and the beauty of how well it shows this evil to the average person is something to behold. it is a movie that truly encapsulates the darkness of humanity, and it is dark, and evil, and horrid, and yet also incredibly beautiful for the purpose it serves. what purpose does it serve you may ask? it serves as a mirror to reflect the worst of humanity back onto us, to show us what true evil is, and to warn us to never become like the predatory, evil, hungering darkness that these people are born, live, and die within. it shows a world of it's own almost, and yet it's not another world, just the darkest, pitch black, and pure EVIL parts of ours, and that is the truly traumatising portion of this movie: the fact that is is reflecting the darkness of our world, our species, back onto us, and while we may think things of this nature do not happen, that is merely because nobody wants to walk in the pitch blackness, the pure darkness. it is a beautiful movie only for those who love the darkness, and wish to gaze upon the pitch black, pure darkness, where only evil resides, and true evil, at that. I would highly recommend it to anyone with the stomach to watch it. until then, here's a link back to